Patna High court has issued fresh 171 vacancies of Regular Mazdoor (Group C Post)
Last date of Application is 20 March 2025
After this date there will be an exam applicants has to give, date of the Examination is yet to be decided
let’s see all the details of Vacancies and application Process
Age Limit
Age limit for these vacancies are given below
Must not below 18 years old as of 1.1.2025
for Maximum age limit details read below table
Category Code | Category | Maximum Age |
01 | Unreserved & EWS (Male) | 37 years (born not earlier than 02.01.1988) |
02 | Unreserved & EWS (Female) | 40 years (born not earlier than 02.01.1985) |
03 | BC / EBC (Male & Female) | 40 years (born not earlier than 02.01.1985) |
04 | SC/ ST (Male & Female) | 42 years (born not earlier than 02.01.1983) |
05 | OH (locomotor) (Unreserved/ EWS/ EBC/ BC/ SC/ ST) | 47 years (born not earlier than 02.01.1978) |
The age limit shall not apply to a person already serving in the establishment
of the Patna High Court or a person engaged on daily wages or those working in the
Courts subordinate to this Court or placed on deputation.
Minimum Qualification
should be 8th pass
Maximum education : must be 12 pass
Knowledge of Cycling
Proficiency in Life Skills
Reservations for these Vacancies
Category Code | Category | Percentage of Reservations |
01 | Scheduled Castes | 16% |
02 | Scheduled Tribes | 01% |
03 | Extremely Backward Classes | 18% |
04 | Backward Classes | 12% |
05 | Economically Weaker Sections | 10% |
Woman Candidates : 35%
Orthopedically Handicapped (OH) : 04%
Application Process
Candidates must apply through online mode only through link provided by website . https://patnahighcourt.gov.in
Link will be active only till 18 March 2025 till 23.59 hours
One Candidate only fill one form, if duplicates are there , last correct filled form will be considered
Mode Of Selection
- Written Test
2. Cycling Test
3. Skill Test and Interview
Cycling test will not be mandatory for Handicapped Applicants
If the number of applicants is on the higher side, there shall be a
‘Preliminary Test’ to shortlist the candidates for appearing at the
Written Test.
Minimum Qualifying Standards
40 % in Preliminary, written and Skill test
30% in the Interview
Examination Fee
Unreserved/ BC/ EBC/ EWS Candidates : 700 Rupees
SC/ ST/ OH Candidates : 350 Rupees
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