IOCL Bharti 2025 in multiple States

Indian Oil Corporation Limited, IOCL is inviting application for new 246 posts

posts are categorized as follows

1Junior operator 215 Vacancies
Reserved for PWD Category

2Junior Attendant 23 Vacancies
3Junior Business Assistant08 Vacancies
Total246 Vacancies

List of Vacancies along with their Reservations and States

Post CodeName of Post/ Grade & Pay ScaleStateNumber of Positions  Remarks
101Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Haryana0210100
102Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Himachal Pradesh0420101
103Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Jammu & Kashmir0100001**Backlog
104Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Ladakh064 (ExSM-1)0020
105Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Punjab127 (ExSM-2)1202
106Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Rajasthan064 (ExSM-1)1010
107Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Uttar Pradesh4517 (ExSM-4)6 (ExSM-1)8 (ExSM-2)014 (ExSM-3)
108Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Uttarakhand087 (ExSM-2)1000
109Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Arunachal Pradesh0320010
110Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Assam106 (ExSM-1)11*1*1**Backlog
111Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Bihar093 (ExSM-1)1202 + 1* (ExSM-1)*Backlog
112Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Nagaland074 (ExSM-1)003 (ExSM-1)0
113Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)West Bengal02002*00*Backlog
114Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Chhattisgarh085 (ExSM-1)003 (ExSM-1)0
Post CodeName of Post/ Grade & Pay ScaleStateNumber of Positions  Remarks
115Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Madhya Pradesh2110 (ExSM-2)23 (ExSM-1)3 (ExSM-1)3 (ExSM-1)
116Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Maharashtra2111 (ExSM-3)2116 (ExSM-1)
117Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu021001*0*Backlog
118Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Andhra Pradesh1810 (ExSM-2)13 (ExSM-1)13 (ExSM-1)
119Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Karnataka127 (ExSM-2)13 (ExSM-1)01
120Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Kerala0320100
121Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Puducherry0110000
122Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Tamil Nadu136 (ExSM-1)2203 (ExSM-1)
123Junior Operator / Grade I (Rs. 23,000-78,000/-)Telengana0110000

Required Qualifications

  1. Candidates must have ITI in Trade Post above will ONLY be considered as eligible
    qualification and ITI in other than specified trade will not be accepted.
  2. Candidates with BE, MBA, B.Tech, CA, ICWA, Company Secretary, Cost Management Accountant, Bachelor of Law, Master of Computer Application or any other Post Graduate and Ph.D all these Degrees or Qualifications are not eligible for these posts.
  3. Qualification of M.A / M.Com / M.Sc shall not be considered a disqualification for the post of Junior
  4. Business Assistant (205, 206, 207, 208), but minimum percentage requirement shall be that of graduation level exam only.
  5. Qualifications listed above are not limited for applying for these posts and Management may decide to include any other qualification is not listed above.

Work Experience Criteria

Experience Certificate or Copy of Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Pay slips, Increment Letter, relieving letter,
Designation, nature of experience etc. proving the continuance in service for the claimed period as
experience would be required. The documents submitted in support of Experience must clearly establish
the period of experience as well as the nature of experience being claimed against the post.

Age Limit Criteria

  1. Minimum 18 years and Maximum age shall be 26 years for Un-reserved candidates as on 31-01-2025.
  2. Mark sheet issued by a Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation (Class X) Examination
    shall be the only acceptable document in support of age. However, where date of birth is not mentioned
    in the Matriculation (Class X) Mark sheet of a Board, the date of birth may be verified from admit Card/
    passing Certificate of the Board.

Relaxation for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC(NCL) /PwBD/ExSM categories

  1. The minimum qualifying marks in eligibility qualification, wherever prescribed, will be relaxed by
    5% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD categories considered against reserved positions.
  2. The minimum qualifying / cut-off marks in the Computer Based Test to be obtained by SC/ST/ PwBD
    candidates shall be relaxed by 5% against reserved positions.
  3. Relaxation in age upto 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (NCL) candidates considered against reserved
    positions will be allowed.
  4. An Ex-serviceman, who has put in not less than 6 months continuous service in Armed Forces, shall be
    allowed to deduct the period in Armed Forces service from his actual age which shall be his resultant age.
    The resultant age shall not exceed the prescribed maximum age by:
    * more than 3 years for General & EWS Candidates
    * more than 8 years for disabled Defense services personnel belonging to SC/ST
    * more than 8 years for SC/ST, if considered against reserved positions
    * more than 6 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), if considered against reserved position.
    For Example: -Current Age = 34, reduced by Armed Forces service of 5 years = 29 years; Not to exceed
    prescribed max. age Limit of 26 years by 3 Years = 29 years; hence eligible. However, the Ex-servicemen
    (if selected) should not have attained the retirement / superannuation age of 60 (sixty) years at the
    time of joining the Corporation.
  5. PwBD candidates will be allowed age-relaxation upto 10 years (upto 15 years for SC/ST and upto 13 years
    for OBC (NCL) candidates) against the notified reserved positions.

Link for Application

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