GAIL is the largest state owned Natural Gas Processing and distribution company.
Headquarter of GAIL is in New Delhi, India.
GAIL is recruiting for 73 Executive Trainees for (Chemical/Instrumentation/Electrical/Mechanical/BIS) departments through GATE-2025.
Following is categorized description of Vacancies such as which department is having how many vacancies
No. | Name of the Post | Number of Vacancies |
1 | Executive Trainee(Chemical) | 21 |
2 | Executive Trainee(Instrumentation) | 17 |
3 | Executive Trainee(Electrical) | 14 |
4 | Executive Trainee(Mechanical) | 08 |
5 | Executive Trainee(BIS) | 13 |
Total:- 73
Education Qualification
Sl. No. | Post Details | UR | EWS | OBC (NCL) | SC | ST | Total | Post identified as suitable for PwBDs in following categories |
1 | Post Name: Executive Trainee (Chemical) Grade: E2 Pay Scale: ₹ 60,000‐180,000/‐ | 8 | 2 | 6 | 3 | 2 | 21 | Category A: B, LV Category B: HH Category C: OA, OL, Dw, AAV Category D: ASD (M), SLD, MI Category E: MD Involving (A) to (D)above |
2 | Post Name: Executive Trainee (Instrumentation) Grade: E2 Pay Scale: ₹ 60,000‐180,000/‐ | 9 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 17 | Category B: D, HH Category C: OL, CP, LC, Dw, AAV Category D: ASD (M), SLD, MI Category E: MD involving (B) to (D) above |
3 | Post Name: Executive Trainee (Electrical) Grade: E2 Pay Scale: ₹ 60,000‐180,000/‐ | 6 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 14 | Category B:D, HH Category C: OL, Dw, AAV Category D: ASD (M) SLD, MI Category E: MD involving (B) to (D) above |
4 | Post Name: Executive Trainee (Mechanical) Grade: E2 Pay Scale: ₹ 60,000‐180,000/‐ | 4 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 8 | Category B:D, HH Category C: OA, OL, Dw, AAV Category D: SLD, MI Category E: MD involving (B) to (D) above |
5 | Post Name: Executive Trainee (BIS) Grade: E2 Pay Scale: ₹ 60,000‐180,000/‐ | 5 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 13 | Category A: B, LV Category B: D, HH Category C: OA, OL, OAL, BL, CP, LC, Dw, AAV Category D: SLD, MI Category E: MD Involving (A) to (D)above |
TOTAL | 32 | 5 | 20 | 10 | 6 | 73 |
Out of the above 73 vacancies, category wise and post wise details of 07 vacancies reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) are given below:
Sl. No. | # Name of the post | Reserved for identified categories of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) as per Table‐I | |||
Category (A) | Category (B) | Category (C) | Category (D) & (E) | ||
1 | Executive Trainee (Chemical) | 1 | 1 | ||
2 | Executive Trainee (Instrumentation) | 1 | 1 | ||
3 | Executive Trainee (Electrical) | 1 | |||
4 | Executive Trainee (Mechanical) | 1 | |||
5 | Executive Trainee (BIS) | 1 | |||
Total | 01 | 02 | 02 | 02 |
Abbreviations Used
Abbreviations | Explanation | Abbreviations | Explanation |
PwBD | Persons with Benchmark Disabilities | OAL | One Arm and One Leg |
B | Blind | CP | Cerebral Palsy |
LV | Low Vision | LC | Leprosy Cured |
D | Deaf | Dw | Dwarfism |
HH | Hard of Hearing | AAV | Acid Attack Victims |
OA | One Arm | ASD (M) | Autism Spectrum Disorder (Mild) |
OL | One Leg | SLD | Specific Learning Disability |
BL | Both Legs | MI | Mental Illness |
MD | Multiple Disability | BIS | Business Information System |
Sl. No. | Post Name | Minimum Essential Qualifications |
1 | Executive Trainee (Chemical) | Bachelor Degree in Engineering in Chemical/Petrochemical /Chemical Technology / Petrochemical Technology /Chemical Technology & Polymer Science/ Chemical Technology & Plastic Technology with minimum 65% marks. |
2 | Executive Trainee (Instrumentation) | Bachelor Degree in Engineering in Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Electrical & Instrumentation/ Electronics/ Electrical & Electronics with minimum 65% Marks. |
3 | Executive Trainee (Electrical) | Bachelor Degree in Engineering in Electrical/Electrical, Electronics & Power / Electrical & Electronics/Electrical & Power with minimum 65% marks. |
4 | Executive Trainee (Mechanical) | Bachelor Degree in Engineering in Mechanical/ Production/ Production & Industrial/ Manufacturing/ Mechanical & Automobile with minimum 65% marks. |
5 | Executive Trainee (BIS) | Bachelor Degree in Engineering in Computer Science / Information Technology with minimum 65% marks OR Bachelor Degree with minimum 60% marks and Master’s Degree in Computer Application (MCA) of minimum 2 years with minimum 65 % marks |
Last Date of Application is 18 March 2025
Application Link
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