DRDO Internship 2025

Defense Research and Development Organization known as DRDO is offering internship for students

Students who are pursuing under Graduation and Postgraduate in Engineering and General Science can apply for this internship

Aim of this internship to provide an opportunity to students to get knowledge and experience in Advanced Research in Defense Technology

This is golden opportunity for students, because they will get exposure to very advanced equipment, software and other resources which Defense is currently using

as any other internship, DRDO will also include students in live on going projects related to research and development

we need to remember that this internship is not a guarantee of job but can be good opportunity to prove yourself

Duration of this internship will be maximum 6 months and minimum 4 weeks

How to Apply to the Internship?

Applications can be sent from student’s college and institute, one must decide which are he/she is studying in, DRDO giving internship in General Science and Engineering as already said

Then College will route your application to specific DRDO Lab which is matching your field

Depending on Vacancy your application will be considered

Approval from the concerned Lad Director is also required

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